Peoria Illinois

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Peoria, Illinois' Twin Towers!

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Peoria, Illinois : Artwork, Caterpillar Visitor Center
Peoria, Illinois : Artwork, Caterpillar Visitor Center

Peoria, IL

Is this the same Peoria where the reigning white champ, Matt Hale, calls home?  Well, yeah, him and Richard Pryor and Jim Thome are part of Peoria's thriving butterfly community.  Is there more to Peoria than meets the eye?   The Peoria, Illinois river boasts the only boat in the United States that legally authorizes gambling.  Who knew.  The 2nd largest greater metropolis area in Illinois with pockets of potential real estate booms, esteemed university system, one of the largest public companies on the globe and a 'good' mix of conservative liberalism that forms a unique combination of midwestern values that leans to the left and right.  Nevertheless, as usual, don't take a simple websites word for anything.  Seeing and trying is believing.  Feel free to browse the site for updates, tourism specials, and business promotions.

Reach out for extra special promotions run by our ad team and promotion specialists and pick up a few good books written by authors located right here in Peoria, Illinois.

Peoria, Illinois, has a lot to offer visitors of all ages and interests. Here are some ideas for things to do in Peoria, along with some photos to entice you:

For the History Buff:

For the Outdoor Enthusiast:

For the Family:

These are just a few ideas for things to do in Peoria, Illinois. With so much to offer, you're sure to find something to keep you busy during your visit. I hope you have a great time in Peoria!